KyberSwap Hacker Requirements

2023 Nov 30 See all posts
KyberSwap Hacker Requirements @ Satoshi Nakamoto

KyberSwap Hacker: 0x50275E0B7261559cE1644014d4b78D4AA63BE836



To ALL relevant and/or interested parties,

I thank you for your attention and patience during this uncertain time for Kyber (the protocol/DAO) as well as Kyber (the company). Below I have delineated a treaty for us to agree to.

My demands are as follows:

Once my demands have been met, I will provide the following:

This is my best offer. This is my only offer. I require my demands to be met by December 10, otherwise, the treaty falls through.

Additionally, should I be contacted by agents from any of the 206 sovereignties, concerning the trades I placed on Kyber, the treaty falls through. In this case, rebates will total to exactly 0.

Kyber is one of the original and longest-running DeFi protocols. No one wants to see it go under.

To assist with this transition of leadership, I may be contacted on telegram: @Kyber_Director

Thank you.

Check the message in the original transaction: 0x0479da9d6a3a29b294d6337630ea0a482e7ec7223f3b6e6d72442f6c450264d4

The Hacker's Ethereum address: 0x50275E0B7261559cE1644014d4b78D4AA63BE836