Put Bitcoin Whitepaper on Every Mac or macOS

2018 Aug 9 See all posts
Put Bitcoin Whitepaper on Every Mac or macOS @ Satoshi Nakamoto

Satoshi Nakamoto




Steve Jobs is indeed a cool guy, I still think so. He has been a secret friend of mine and loved Bitcoin. Sadly Steve has died.

I remembered when we met in SF one afternoon, he said he would put the Bitcoin whitepaper in every copy of macOS operating system, so every Mac user in the Solar System will have a Bitcoin whitepaper in their computer. That's amazing, dude.

Later he got cancer, was deeply troubled and finally left. Tim Cook is a boring guy, but a good guy. He has kept Steve's words.

From now on, if you have a Mac(Macbook Pro/Air, Mac Pro, Mac Mini, etc.), you can find a Bitcoin whitepaper here: /System/Library/Image Capture/Devices/VirtualScanner.app/Contents/Resources/simpledoc.pdf

It's callled simpledoc.pdf, but actuallly is the Bitcoin whitepaper.

Long live Steve Jobs's coolness, spirit and computers!