Gavin Andresen: Thoughts on the Great Bitcoin Heist

2011 Jun 16 See all posts
Gavin Andresen: Thoughts on the Great Bitcoin Heist @ Satoshi Nakamoto

Gavin Andresen



Drugs last week, a half-a-million-dollar heist this week... all Bitcoin needs now is a celebrity sex scandal to make the hype-meter go from 8 to 11.

So: what happened and what does it mean for Bitcoin?

Apparently, 25,000 bitcoins worth almost half a million dollars were stolen from somebody's machine.


First thought: to be clear, they didn't spend half a million dollars on those bitcoins; they were an early adopter who managed to generate them back when bitcoins were nearly worthless and generating bitcoins was hundreds of thousands of times easier than it is today. That makes me feel a little better; if it was somebody who lost their life savings I'd be much more upset. I'll say it again: DO NOT PUT YOUR LIFE SAVINGS IN BITCOIN. That is risky and a bad idea at this point.

Second thought: this was not a failure or breach of the bitcoin payment network. It isn't yet clear exactly how the bitcoins were stolen; the most likely explanations are either malware infecting their system or somebody finding a backed-up copy of their wallet file. I'll be writing a blog entry about how I keep my bitcoins safe soon, and wallet security is the second thing on my bitcoin development priorities list (the first thing is making sure we handle any "scaling up" problems that might make it impossible for EVERYBODY to use their bitcoins).

Final thought: we can see where the bitcoins are going, so it is possible the person will be tracked down and caught as they spend the coins. They can try to ‘hide their tracks,' but the big bitcoin exchangers have said that they'll cooperate with law enforcement to help catch criminals. Like stealing a famous painting, the crooks might have a hard time actually spending their ill-gotten loot.