Setting up multiple bitcoin machines behind NAT

2010 Feb 16 See all posts
Setting up multiple bitcoin machines behind NAT @ Satoshi Nakamoto

Satoshi Nakamoto



Setting up multiple bitcoin machines behind NAT
February 16, 2010, 12:35:25 AM


well the title says it all. I want to set up multiple bitcoin machines behind NAT.
For this it reason would be nice, if one could choose an other port than 8333, which I guess would have other nice side effects. Maybe someone uses this port for something else or maybe it isn't possible to set up port forwarding to this port for one reason or another.

Or is there an other way one should go?


Satoshi Nakamoto
February 16, 2010, 01:34:56 AM

Right now there isn't a port number setting to do that.  It's a feature yet to be implemented.  You can only set up your NAT to port-forward to one of the computers.  (I said something earlier about NAT port translation, but that wouldn't work, other nodes wouldn't know to connect to that port)

If you want, as a small optimization, you could run the rest of your computers as:

bitcoin -connect=<the IP of the first computer>

so they get all their network communication from the first computer and don't all connect over the net individually for the same information.  This saves bandwidth, although it doesn't use much bandwidth to begin with, so it wouldn't really matter unless you had tons of computers.

For redundancy in case the first computer goes down, you could have two that connect out and the rest connect to both of them.  The first two are run normally, the rest are run like:

bitcoin -connect=<IP1> -connect=<IP2>

April 08, 2010, 08:06:37 PM

Quote from: satoshi on February 16, 2010, 01:34:56 AM

Right now there isn't a port number setting to do that. It's a feature yet to be implemented.

So, if I somehow I forwarded port router:8333 to bitcoinhost1:8333 and router:8334 to bitcoinhost2:8333, we get undefined behavior?
Because that seems like trivial to me, to keep track of port numbers in any p2p app.

Satoshi Nakamoto
May 16, 2010, 11:56:03 PM

At the moment, it always assumes the incoming port is 8333, so it would tell other bitcoin nodes to connect to router:8333 even if you're redirecting from another port number.

I'm not in a big hurry to fix this because I can't think of any benefit to having more than one incoming connection port.  If you're providing one incoming port, then you've done your bit to help the network.  Having two incoming ports to the same person doesn't help redundancy.

If you have many computers, then using the -connect switch on most of them to connect locally makes more sense.