Bitcoin DEB Package?
2010 Feb 12
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Bitcoin DEB Package? @ Satoshi Nakamoto
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Satoshi Nakamoto
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DEB Package?
February 12, 2010, 12:31:35 AM
I am having 0 luck attempting to compile w/wxWidgets. Trying to
compile wx from source was a no-go (various syntax errors I didn't
really delve into), downloaded latest precompiled wx packages for ubuntu
karmic, but they do not match up to your static links far as I can tell.
I guess what I'm getting at is, rather than try to sort out these
issues, I'd really love a .deb <.< I'd like to participate - as an
agorist and a fan of cryptoanarchic theory this is sort of a fantasy of
mine, but there is frankly no way I will dual boot windows or run this
in as insecure an environment as a VM.
DEB isn't a bad route, you'll hit the vast majority of desktop linux
users, most of whom won't be buggered to try compiling in the first
place, so I don't think it's entirely unreasonable. Alternatively if you
are interested in helping me work out compilation issues I would be
happy to provide x86_64 binaries for ubuntu as long as I am compiling
them. I haven't done .debs before but I am sure I can figure that out.
Let me know 
Satoshi Nakamoto
February 12, 2010, 02:33:02 AM
Are you just trying to run the program or do you really need to
compile it? There's a 32-bit linux binary that can be run on 64-bit
ubuntu if you "sudo apt-get ia32-libs".
I recently updated the SVN for building on 64-bit Karmic with
wxWidgets 2.9.0. This was after the 0.2.0 release. The 0.2.0 release
did not build on 64-bit yet.
Unfortunately there currently isn't a -dev deb package of either of
the versions of wxWidgets that we can use. On Karmic they only have the
UTF-16 version. We need either the ANSI (libwxgtk2.8-ansi-dev) version
or the UTF-8 (wxWidgets 2.9.0) version. We're moving towards 2.9.0.
I know you said you didn't want VM, but as a last resort, last I
checked the Windows version runs fine in Wine.
Satoshi Nakamoto
February 12, 2010, 03:57:37 PM
Quote from: soultcer on February 12, 2010, 02:31:50 PM
If you want, I can provide you with a precompiled binary.
Am I missing something? Is there something wrong with the 32-bit
linux precompiled binary on
The bitcoin binary in the distribution static links the wxWidgets
library, and its shared links (openssl and GTK) are included in Ubuntu,
so it can run without needing to be a .deb to pull down
Since we're upgrading to wxWidgets 2.9.0 for UTF-8, which doesn't
have a DEB package yet, we'll continue to need to static link it.
February 13, 2010, 12:25:04 AM
Sorry, I should have mentioned more clearly that I am running AMD64.
I was trying to compile with 0.2.0, so that would explain a lot of my
issues. I would like to have a native 64 bit binary, but it
sounds like that isn't going to happen right now. I have ia32-lib
already, I'll try running what you've supplied, and failing that Wine
might be an option. Thanks for the help. I don't remember coming across
SVN links on the download page, but once you get up to wxWidgets2.9 I
may try again. I could not get 2.8.10 to compile for me, I'm
sure I probably was overlooking something, but it sounds like 2.9 at
least resolves the utf-8/ansi issue 
Satoshi Nakamoto
February 13, 2010, 01:38:37 AM
I couldn't get wxWidgets 2.8.9 to compile on Karmic 64-bit
I have been compiling the latest SVN on Karmic 64-bit with wxWidgets
2.9.0, which compiles fine on 64-bit. Read build-unix.txt and use the
given ../configure parameters on wxWidgets so you can use the
makefile.unix.wx2.9 as supplied. (–enable-debug –disable-shared
There's one cosmetic bug with 2.9.0 I still need to fix where
the status number display is bunched up for some reason. –
The download link on the homepage is to the sourceforge tar.gz
archive which contains the 32-bit binary and the 0.2.0 sources, which
were not yet buildable on 64-bit at the time.
The SVN was first buildable on 64-bit with wx2.9.0 on 28 January
Hopefully they'll have a wxWidgets 2.9.0 debian package someday.
Bitcoin DEB Package?
2010 Feb 12 See all postsSatoshi Nakamoto
I am having 0 luck attempting to compile w/wxWidgets. Trying to compile wx from source was a no-go (various syntax errors I didn't really delve into), downloaded latest precompiled wx packages for ubuntu karmic, but they do not match up to your static links far as I can tell. I guess what I'm getting at is, rather than try to sort out these issues, I'd really love a .deb <.< I'd like to participate - as an agorist and a fan of cryptoanarchic theory this is sort of a fantasy of mine, but there is frankly no way I will dual boot windows or run this in as insecure an environment as a VM.
DEB isn't a bad route, you'll hit the vast majority of desktop linux users, most of whom won't be buggered to try compiling in the first place, so I don't think it's entirely unreasonable. Alternatively if you are interested in helping me work out compilation issues I would be happy to provide x86_64 binaries for ubuntu as long as I am compiling them. I haven't done .debs before but I am sure I can figure that out. Let me know
Are you just trying to run the program or do you really need to compile it? There's a 32-bit linux binary that can be run on 64-bit ubuntu if you "sudo apt-get ia32-libs".
I recently updated the SVN for building on 64-bit Karmic with wxWidgets 2.9.0. This was after the 0.2.0 release. The 0.2.0 release did not build on 64-bit yet.
Unfortunately there currently isn't a -dev deb package of either of the versions of wxWidgets that we can use. On Karmic they only have the UTF-16 version. We need either the ANSI (libwxgtk2.8-ansi-dev) version or the UTF-8 (wxWidgets 2.9.0) version. We're moving towards 2.9.0.
I know you said you didn't want VM, but as a last resort, last I checked the Windows version runs fine in Wine.
Am I missing something? Is there something wrong with the 32-bit linux precompiled binary on
The bitcoin binary in the distribution static links the wxWidgets library, and its shared links (openssl and GTK) are included in Ubuntu, so it can run without needing to be a .deb to pull down dependencies.
Since we're upgrading to wxWidgets 2.9.0 for UTF-8, which doesn't have a DEB package yet, we'll continue to need to static link it.
Sorry, I should have mentioned more clearly that I am running AMD64. I was trying to compile with 0.2.0, so that would explain a lot of my issues. I would like to have a native 64 bit binary, but it sounds like that isn't going to happen right now. I have ia32-lib already, I'll try running what you've supplied, and failing that Wine might be an option. Thanks for the help. I don't remember coming across SVN links on the download page, but once you get up to wxWidgets2.9 I may try again. I could not get 2.8.10 to compile for me, I'm sure I probably was overlooking something, but it sounds like 2.9 at least resolves the utf-8/ansi issue
I couldn't get wxWidgets 2.8.9 to compile on Karmic 64-bit either.
I have been compiling the latest SVN on Karmic 64-bit with wxWidgets 2.9.0, which compiles fine on 64-bit. Read build-unix.txt and use the given ../configure parameters on wxWidgets so you can use the makefile.unix.wx2.9 as supplied. (–enable-debug –disable-shared –enable-monolithic)
There's one cosmetic bug with 2.9.0 I still need to fix where the status number display is bunched up for some reason.– fixedThe download link on the homepage is to the sourceforge tar.gz archive which contains the 32-bit binary and the 0.2.0 sources, which were not yet buildable on 64-bit at the time.
The SVN was first buildable on 64-bit with wx2.9.0 on 28 January 2010.
Hopefully they'll have a wxWidgets 2.9.0 debian package someday.