Reply to Questions about Bitcoin Addresses

2010 Feb 1 See all posts
Reply to Questions about Bitcoin Addresses @ Satoshi Nakamoto

Satoshi Nakamoto



Questions about Addresses
February 01, 2010, 02:17:02 AM
  1. What would happen if one attempts to send an amount of coins to an IP address that isn't running the program?
  2. What would happen if one attempts to send an amount of coins to a invalid Bitcoin Address?
  3. What would happen if one attempts to send an amount of coins to a Bitcoin Address that nobody owns?
  4. What would happen if one attempts to send an amount of coins to a Bitcoin Address that used to be owned, but has since been abandoned (recipient stopped running the program, or deleted their wallet)?

I thank answerers for expanding my knowledge.

February 01, 2010, 10:44:43 AM

Quote from: Sabunir on February 01, 2010, 02:17:02 AM

  1. What would happen if one attempts to send an amount of coins to an IP address that isn't running the program?
  2. What would happen if one attempts to send an amount of coins to a invalid Bitcoin Address?

Not possible, the software doesn't allow that.

  1. What would happen if one attempts to send an amount of coins to a Bitcoin Address that nobody owns?
  2. What would happen if one attempts to send an amount of coins to a Bitcoin Address that used to be owned, but has since been abandoned (recipient stopped running the program, or deleted their wallet)?

I guess the money will just be lost in that case.

February 01, 2010, 11:10:07 PM

What happens to Bitcoins sent to an IP address where the sub-net computers are each running Bitcoin software ? Huh

Do they all receive an equal share of Bitcoins ? lol Roll Eyes

February 01, 2010, 11:41:24 PM

If I remember correctly I think I was told that they would be sent to the first bitcoin application with whom the sender connects.

February 02, 2010, 01:36:13 AM

Relatedly, what protections are in place for preventing someone from forging a Bitcoin Address?

February 02, 2010, 02:34:26 AM

Quote from: BitcoinFX on February 01, 2010, 11:10:07 PM

What happens to Bitcoins sent to an IP address where the sub-net computers are each running Bitcoin software ? Huh

The coins go to the machine that the sender connects to. You need to do port forwarding to direct the incoming connections at port 8333 to the correct subnet address. Instructions:

February 02, 2010, 09:00:20 AM

Thanks, I understand that and my port 8333 is correctly forwarded to my 24/7 Bitcoin machine. Grin

However, lets say that I have 2 machines on the same IP running Bitcoin without port 8333 forwarded on either !

Bitcoin node (1)

Bitcoin node (2)

So, I would guess that machine would receive the bitcoins because it is the first IP on the sub-net ?

February 02, 2010, 12:34:08 PM

Quote from: BitcoinFX on February 02, 2010, 09:00:20 AM

Thanks, I understand that and my port 8333 is correctly forwarded to my 24/7 Bitcoin machine. Grin

However, lets say that I have 2 machines on the same IP running Bitcoin without port 8333 forwarded on either !

Bitcoin node (1)

Bitcoin node (2)

So, I would guess that machine would receive the bitcoins because it is the first IP on the sub-net ?

The connection won't get through at all if the port is not forwarded.

February 03, 2010, 02:57:15 PM

Quote from: sirius-m on February 02, 2010, 12:34:08 PM

Quote from: BitcoinFX on February 02, 2010, 09:00:20 AM

Thanks, I understand that and my port 8333 is correctly forwarded to my 24/7 Bitcoin machine. Grin

However, lets say that I have 2 machines on the same IP running Bitcoin without port 8333 forwarded on either !

Bitcoin node (1)

Bitcoin node (2)

So, I would guess that machine would receive the bitcoins because it is the first IP on the sub-net ?

The connection won't get through at all if the port is not forwarded.

Not so ? I have had 2 machines connected (getting 4+ connections on each) and generating Bitcoins on the same static IP address. The port 8333 is of course forwarded for connection through my firewall, which I guess is what you mean. However, connections to other nodes are made without port 8333 being specifically forwarded through my router to a specific machine (sub-net IP), which is of course the best way to max connectivity. I understand Bitcoin only requires 1 other connection for transactions, yes ?

I think my original question was valid and thanks for clarifying this everyone. NewLibertyStandard I think is correct "If I remember correctly I think I was told that they would be sent to the first bitcoin application with whom the sender connects."

I dislike communication on forums, it's hard to discuss topics sometimes when all parties mean the same thing and communicate it in a different way ! Smiley

I have enough internet connections, routers and PC equipment - So, I'm off to make an ‘official' test for myself whilst I RTM  Grin

Satoshi Nakamoto
February 04, 2010, 12:07:07 AM

Port forwarding forwards a port to one computer.  It tells the router which computer handles connections to that port.  So that's the computer receiving.

If you didn't set up port forwarding, then incoming connections won't go to any computer, and attempts to send to that IP would just say it couldn't connect to the recipient and nothing is sent.  When sending by IP, you still send to a bitcoin address, but your computer connects to that IP, gets a new bitcoin address from it, gives the transaction directly to the them and confirms that it was received and accepted.

Someone should post their static IP so people can try out sending by IP and also give that user free money.

There's a 32-bit checksum in bitcoin addresses so you can't accidentally type an invalid address.

If 4) you send to a recipient who has abandoned or lost their wallet.dat, then the money is lost.  A subtle point can be made that since there is then less total money in circulation, everyone's remaining money is worth slightly more, aka "natural deflation".

February 04, 2010, 09:48:34 AM

Quote from: satoshi on February 04, 2010, 12:07:07 AM

Someone should post their static IP so people can try out sending by IP and also give that user free money.

Thanks for clarifying that satoshi.

I'm more than happy to share my static IP for testing - I run a Tor Relay from this IP so the address is already publicly available at for example.

Please note that this is not the IP address from where I will be running my ‘Bitcoin Bank' / exchange service. It's a personal IP address and is effectively my project contribution and testing ‘Lab' for other open source projects. I'm a big contributor of Grid Republic etc.

N.B. Post has been edited after the successful testing

Anyone is still welcome to make a test payment to my IP. Please send me a forum PM first and stipulate in the comments if you are making a test payment or a donation, so that I can return your Bitcoins to you, if you wish. Any donations will be much appreciated and will help to set up the separate ‘exchange service' faster.

Please email: bitcoinfx @ regarding any issues. (EDIT: no longer in use 2014)

You can also visit my website: BitcoinFX - http:// www .bitcoinfx EDIT: Domain no longer active - An early manual e-currency exchange by email only - the domain only provided contact info. etc.

Thank you.

February 04, 2010, 03:49:06 PM

2x 0.01 BTC sent.

0.01 BTC per Bitcoin adress and 0.01 BTC per IP-adress.

I don't need it back Smiley

BTW: is telling me I'm using TOR, but I`m not. It shows my real IP.

February 04, 2010, 05:11:11 PM

Thanks SmokeTM.

Both Micro donations were successfully received. Smiley

February 05, 2010, 05:31:30 PM

Quote from: sirius-m on February 01, 2010, 10:44:43 AM > > Quote from: Sabunir on February 01, 2010, 02:17:02 AM > > 3) What would happen if one attempts to send an amount of coins to a Bitcoin Address that nobody owns?
> 4) What would happen if one attempts to send an amount of coins to a Bitcoin Address that used to be owned, but has since been abandoned (recipient stopped running the program, or deleted their wallet)?

I guess the money will just be lost in that case.

Perhaps there should be a feature against this? For instance, if a transaction isn't accepted by the recipient for a long period of time (a month?), the transaction will be canceled and the coins returned to the one who sent them?

Satoshi Nakamoto
February 05, 2010, 07:44:46 PM

Quote from: Sabunir on February 05, 2010, 05:31:30 PM

Perhaps there should be a feature against this? For instance, if a transaction isn't accepted by the recipient for a long period of time (a month?), the transaction will be canceled and the coins returned to the one who sent them?

That's not possible. You've handed control of the money over to the recipient's keypair. Only that key can control it.

It's similar to if you encrypt a file with AES and a strong password, and you lose the password. The data is lost.