Bitcoin Payment server

2010 Jan 27 See all posts
Bitcoin Payment server @ Satoshi Nakamoto

Satoshi Nakamoto



Payment server
January 27, 2010, 07:51:02 AM

As I have read in some topics (, a payment server is needed for a broader acceptance of Bitcoins.

I want to create a php webapplication which can process Bitcoins transactions. I have a LAMP system up and running, but until now I used bitcoins on Windows only. Can anyone help me to create a linux installation of Bitcoins with a command line interface?

Server runs Ubuntu 9.10 32-bit. Or should I use a different distribution?

My idea is simple:

Think this is possible with Bitcoin 0.2?

January 27, 2010, 10:04:46 AM

Instead of an ip-address, an unique bitcoin address should be created, and is also way less vulnerable. This is all that is needed for the server to keep track of incoming bitcoins.

You will have to do some programming to get command-line access to the needed functions.

I bet you could get someone to do it for you for some bitcoins  Grin

January 27, 2010, 10:44:44 AM

Quote from: riX on January 27, 2010, 10:04:46 AM

Instead of an ip-address, an unique bitcoin address should be created, and is also way less vulnerable. This is all that is needed for the server to keep track of incoming bitcoins.

Sirius-m said:

Unfortunately you can't attach a message when you send to a Bitcoin address. It's possible only when sending to an IP.


I think it was some technical limitation. Satoshi could tell more about this?

Is it possible in Bitcoin 0.2 to attach messages when using a bitcoin address?

January 27, 2010, 11:33:51 AM

No, you can't send a message when sending to an ip, but that's what the unique bitcoin address is for.

When the customer places an order, the server creates a new bitcoin address to be used for that order only. (This can be seen as the orderId if you want). When the customer makes a payment to that bitcoin address/orderId, the server will know who it's from. There's no need for a message.

January 27, 2010, 11:56:17 AM

This means that a server can process one payment at a time. Unless a server is capable of having more than one bitcoin address.

January 27, 2010, 12:49:07 PM

Wallets already support multiple bitcoin addresses.

You should check out "Options/Change your address" in your bitcoin app Grin

January 27, 2010, 01:23:17 PM

Quote from: riX on January 27, 2010, 12:49:07 PM

Wallets already support multiple bitcoin addresses.

You should check out "Options/Change your address" in your bitcoin app Grin

riX, you are absolutely right! Embarrassed

Now all I need is a command line version of Bitcoin.

Quote from: satoshi on November 27, 2009, 05:27:09 PM

Command line is on the to-do list after 0.2.

Satoshi, when we may expect the new command line-abled version of Bitcoin? Or is it possible to compile Bitcoin 0.2 in a way it can be used by command lines?

Satoshi Nakamoto
January 28, 2010, 11:26:09 PM

That's the right way to do it as riX says. The software can generate a new bitcoin address whenever you need one for each payment. "Please send X bc to [single-use bitcoin address] to complete your order" When the server receives that amount to the bitcoin address, that could trigger it to automatically fulfil the order or e-mail the shop owner.

Adding command line support is a high priority. It's just a matter of getting the time to code it.