Hal Finney: Crypto trading cards

1993 Jan 17 See all posts
Hal Finney: Crypto trading cards @ Satoshi Nakamoto

Hal Finney




Giving a little more thought to the idea of buying and selling digital cash, I thought of a way to present it. We're buying and selling "cryptographic trading cards". Fans of cryptography will love these fascinating examples of the cryptographic arts. Notice the fine way the bit patterns fit together - a mix of one-way functions and digital signatures, along with random blinding. What a perfect conversation piece to be treasured and shown to your friends and family.

Plus, your friends will undoubtedly love these cryptographic trading cards just as much. They'll be eager to trade for them. Collect a whole set! They come in all kinds of varieties, from the common 1's, to the rarer 50's, all the way up to the seldom-seen 1000's.

Hours of fun can be had for all. Your friendly cryptographic trading card dealer wants to join the fun, too. He'll be as interested in buying your trading cards back as in selling them.

Try this fascinating and timely new hobby today!