Charles Darwin: To F. J. Pictet de la Rive (February 23)

1860 Feb 23 See all posts
Charles Darwin: To F. J. Pictet de la Rive (February 23) @ Satoshi Nakamoto

Charles Darwin



Dear Sir

I must trouble you with a few lines to thank you most truly for your very kind note. What you say about my Book, pleases me extremely, & I am far from surprised that you go with me a very short way. I remember how slowly I changed my own opinion; & even supposing for the moment that my views were in the main right, I do not think anyone could at once undergo so great a revolution in opinion. -— I thank you cordially for the notice which you intend to publish, & for so kindly offering to send me a copy. This will be invaluable, as showing me what parts you think weakest; & it will largely spread the knowledge of my book.

Do you ever see the American Phil. Journal? there will appear in the next number an excellent Review by that admirable Botanist Asa Gray. He informs me that your illustrious countryman, Agassiz, is very bitter against my Book, as I fully expected would be the case. —- Prof. Bronn of Heidelberg although very much of course opposed to my doctrine, with noble liberality of sentiment is going to superintend the work of a Translator into German; so that my Book will be pretty widely known, & consequently what is true will soon be known from what is false in it. You will think me very presumptuous, but as your studies naturally lead you to reflect much on Geological Succession, Geograph. Distribution, Classification, Homology & Embryology, I expect & hope you will be led ultimately to go a little way further with me: as these facts receive some sort of explanation on the theory of descent; whereas they are inexplicable on the theory of creation.

Pray believe me, dear Sir | with sincere respect & cordial thanks for your kindness | Your faithful servant | Charles Darwin

Down Bromley Kent
Feb. 23d.